
250g/8 oz self-raising flour, 125g/4 oz salted butter, 100g/3 oz caster sugar, 1 teaspoon mixed spice, 80g/3 oz sultanas/raisins, 1 beaten egg – (large) plus 1 tablespoon of milk


Rub the butter into the flour until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add the sugar, mixed spice and sultanas and mix well.   Add the beaten egg and bring all the ingredients together, starting with a spoon, and then use your hands to bring everything together to form a dough.

Sprinkle some flour on your  worktop.  Roll the dough out to a thickness of about 5 mm.  Cut into shapes and keep rolling and cutting until the dough is used up.

Cook the cakes on a griddle/frying pan until they are brown on both sides – usually a few minutes. Make sure the griddle is really hot – pre heat for a good 10 minutes.  Cook 1 – 2 welshcakes first to check the temperature. Cool on a cooling tray and sprinkle with sugar.

Different flavours

You can also use 80g chocolate chip and the zest of one orange


40g white choc chips and 40g cranberries instead of the sultanas/raisins

Enjoy – mwynhewch!