Bara Brith


250g mixed fruit

300ml black tea

2 tbsps orange marmalade

2 beaten eggs

125g soft brown sugar

125g butter

½ tsp mixed spice

250g self-raising flour

¼ tsp baking powder

¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda



Put the fruit into a large bowl, cover the with tea and leave overnight.  Or if you’re short of time, put the fruit into a large saucepan, cover with the hot tea, bring to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes

Strain off the liquid and pour the fruit into a mixing bowl.  Add the butter and sugar, and stir until the ingredients are mixed and the butter has melted. Add the marmalade and mix again.

Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes and beat in the eggs.

Mix the dry ingredients and add to the fruit mixture. Fold the dry ingredients until everything is mixed in.

Spoon the mixture into a greased 900g loaf tin and bake in a preheated moderate oven for 1 hour at gas mark 4, 350f, 180c,  and 30 minutes at gas mark 2, 300f, 150c. 

Serve with butter (Welsh if you can) and a paned o de ( cup of tea). Also delicious served with cheese.  Enjoy/Mwynhewch.