Smoked Mackerel/Mackerel fishcakes
(From Nerys Howell’s Cywain/Harvest cookery book)

1 large potato (30g)

250g smoked mackerel or ordinary mackerel fillets

2 gherkins
1 tbsp of capers
2 tbsps fresh herbs – dill, parsley
Zest of 1 lemon and juice

Cayenne Pepper
Plain flour, oil and butter for cooking
Peel and cut the potato, boil in salted water and then mash
Drain the liquid from the tinned mackerel and mash
Combine the potato, mackerel, gherkins, capers and herbs
Add the lemon zest and juice and mix well. Season with salt and cayenne pepper
From into fishcakes and chill for at least 30 minutes
Heat the oil and butter in a frying pan and fry until golden on both sides
Serve with laverbread dip and a wedge of lemon.