couple in a pub

Online Experiences

Our menu of Online Experiences includes:

Welsh Food Cook-Along
Welsh Wine Tasting & Welshcakes

contact us for more information.

Welsh Food Cook-Along

Wine Tasting & Welshcakes

Welsh Food & Drink Experience

Welsh Cook-Along. ‘Who knew that cooking together on Zoom was so much fun?! The recipes were lovely – the Merlyn chocolate cake and spelt biscuits brought a little bit of magic to a rather dull lockdown weekend’ Elin, Cardiff

“Lot o hwyl, lyfli cael cwmni tra’n coginio pryd o fwyd hyfryd. Ond, mi oedd y gegin yn “fess” ar y diwedd. Ydy Nerys ar gael i ddod i olchi’r llestri? Diolch” Sian Helen, Caerdydd

Welsh Food & Drink Experience “We thought the evening was brilliant. We had both been feeling a bit low with the lockdown so it cheered us up no end to attend a social event. I would say it was the highlight of our lockdown. The food and drink was absolutely delicious, we enjoyed all of it. It was such an interesting, interactive and fun eve. I was born in Cardiff and lived in Penarth but now live in Poole Dorset. I haven’t been able to visit any of my Welsh family this year so it was lovely just to hear the Welsh accents and talk of Cardiff”  Carol, Dorset.

All of our online experiences are hosted via Zoom. Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service where you can meet people online  – by video or audio-only or both.